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This is not a new topic to both women and men around the world however it is a topic worth talking about and creating awareness. Today, we shift our attention to school going girls in the world who miss school due to menstruation. 

According to a UNESCO report in 2016, It estimates that one in 10 girls in sub-Saharan Africa are missing school during their menstruation cycle due to the fact that sanitary products are expensive and not readily accessible. Secondly, lack of information in that menstruation is not openly discussed in a public place like a classroom because it’s considered a private issue. Thirdly, lack of facilities, there are no infrastructures in place to manage menstruation in school. 

Creating Awareness on Period Poverty I Brooch with a cause I Brooches

(Photo credit: Cliff Booth from Pexels)

There are efforts by some governments to ensure free sanitary access to school going girls and tax exemptions to sanitary products and this puts a smile on my face, it is a step in the right direction however more is needed in WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) facilities and menstrual waste management.

Creating Awareness on Menstruation Cycle I Brooch with a cause I Brooches

(Photo credit: Shora Shimazaki from Pexels)

Creating Awareness on Menstruation I Brooch with a cause I Brooches

(Photo credit: Nataliya Vaitkevich from Pexels)

Young women and girls need sustainable Menstruation Hygiene Management (MHM) projects to focus on education and their lives and avoid embarrassment and stigma that comes with monthly menstruation. We need to address the deep cultural gender issue that comes with menstruation. I would encourage all parents in the world to start these conversations with their child/children when they are young. We need to let our girls know that menstruation is a natural, normal thing and that it is okay to be going through it . The right to dignity and the right to education cannot be compromised by the circumstance of being born young, female and poor. 

Creating Awareness on Menstruation I Brooch with a cause

(Photo credit: Skylar Kang from Pexels)

She Loves Blooms will be donating to such and other projects around the world. To kick this off, we will be donating earring sales proceeds to a local Singaporean company Freedomcups.org for school going girls. (Yes, you've heard we will be releasing our matchy earrings collection on 12 June so stay tuned!) We love that their products are eco-friendly and reusable hence the girls will be able to use them for years without harming their environment when disposed. We know we have a long way to go but a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step and here we go!

Creating Awareness on Period Poverty I Brooch with a cause

(Photo credit: Nataliya Vaitkevich from Pexels)

Creating Awareness on Period Poverty I Brooch with a cause

(Photo credit: Cliff Booth from Pexels)


Introducing Knight Kimosop, Creative Content Strategist for She Loves Blooms

Knight believes in a better world - she believes we as humans have the ability to make this world a better place; for fellows humans, animals, environment. She enjoys reading, working out or going outside to explore new places and things. During her downtime you will find her catching up with her favourite fashion or lifestyle shows.

5月 27, 2021 2 min read

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